
Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Am Still Alive...Also I Am Not Pregnant...

As it turns out I am very bad at being consistent and posting decent things on the internet that are full of wholesome entertainment.  However I just got back from running and am practically oozing with awesomeness...obviously, I mean look how alluring I am:

*People with husbands (Sheree, Cool Katie) you may want to hide this photo because it is just so overpoweringly sexy...
I apologize for not posting...I'm going to do better.  In the mean time I will tell you that my brother and I have decided to start designing t-shirts.  He's the brains and I'm the brawn...errr...well yeah lets face it my muscles are WAYYYYY bigger than James's....

I mean look...

*Jame is the one in the T-shirt, the wookie is just our impartial judge*

So James is the brains and comes up with awesome ideas and then I and my muscles make those ideas a reality.  Here is one of them:
It's called "The Logic is Sound" and we think it's pretty sweet.  What do you guys think?  Would you wear a shirt with that on it?

Live Long and Prosper

-Jacqueline Moyar

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Hey guys...

     Guess what??

             The next blog is going to be a rant...

                        I'm making lots of pictures and coming up with really pithy comments for them...

                                    Just thought I would give you a little teaser.

Because it will be so emotionally packed, it will probably rock your universe and make you reevaluate almost act you've ever performed on this earth...

It's coming...


Really soon.

...Live long and prosper...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Sometimes when it is getting close to finals week and I have so much to do that I feel like puking on a tinfoil-duck I take a minute and draw pictures of myself...

Remember this one guys?  Yeah just a basic reconstruction from the werewolf blog.  Sometimes though I get a little creative and draw stuff like this...

This here, this is pure art.  It obviously says something really deep and profound about my inner child...

Why so serious??

Really why?  I don't understand it.  I mean L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.  so why take it too serious you know?

Or this.............the decapitated head of a fat man.......who is balding........with some nice chops......

There we go, that is my secret (and very vain) way to procrastinate my sever load of homework.

...Live long and prosper...